Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam Movies, December 2005

Daylight Movies 06:00-18:00 PST Nighttime Movies 18:00-06:00 PST
avg 2005-12-01 Fog, rain, ice on the lens avg 2005-12-01
avg 2005-12-02 Clouds, rain, ice on the lens avg 2005-12-02
avg 2005-12-03 Fog avg 2005-12-03
avg 2005-12-04 Cloudy, outage (45) avg 2005-12-04 Some glow (51)
avg 2005-12-05 Fog (1) avg 2005-12-05 Faint glow
avg 2005-12-06 Thick steam avg 2005-12-06 Faint glow
avg 2005-12-07 Cloudy, steam avg 2005-12-07 Outage (131)
avg 2005-12-09 Outage ends, scratch appears (62) avg 2005-12-09 Moonlight, glow - at last good focus!
avg 2005-12-10 Calm day, steam avg 2005-12-10 Moonlight, glow
avg 2005-12-11 Some steam avg 2005-12-11 Moonlight, glow
avg 2005-12-12 Fog, steam avg 2005-12-12 Moonlit fog, momentary glow
avg 2005-12-13 Steam avg 2005-12-13 Glow, magnificent moonlight (8)
avg 2005-12-14 Outages, steam (116)
avg 2005-12-15 Mostly outage (141)
avg 2005-12-16 Mostly outage (136) avg 2005-12-24 Mostly outage (137)

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Ville Saari <>